Giving Back!

EcoSol Global is an eco-conscious company with benefits to the environment being our primary concern.

EcoSol realizes all vehicles can benefit from a R.E.D. Teslagram.  We want our customers to know they are contributing something to pollution reduction, beyond cleaning up their own vehicle.  Every R.E.D. Teslagram that is sold, EcoSol Global will give one free to a non-profit organization in the developing world, where pollution is at its most dangerous levels.

Our 1 for 1 Program will be first implemented in Male, capital of The Maldives. This is a small island nation in the Indian Ocean, which has reached a critical state of environmental toxicity and urban pollution.

We know that everyone who drives a vehicle with an R.E.D. Teslagram will contribute to cleaning up the environment for our future generations. In this way, we will begin to reduce pollution levels worldwide, wherever possible. 

With this quantum leap in technology we know that we will impact the environment in a positive way.