1. MEAS is what is being measured.
2. The RPM reading at 15 & 25 MPH may reduce.
3. CO2% is ideally 14.9 in a well maintained engine.
4. O2% is not applicable but expect a 0
5. Hydrocarbon’s (HC’s) parts per million. The MAX is the highest number possible before smog test failure.
6. The HC average is what is ideal for that particular car. Each car will be different depending on the model and year.
7. MEAS is the actual number the car tested.
8. MEAS is the area to compare. Notice the difference in Test 2 with the device. It most likely will have changed, often lower. This is a test smog test done before installation, and then repeated after running the car for a short time and then retesting the smog results ( see www.qured.net test results page for examples)
In some cases HC numbers may increase slightly for a short time; this is because the engine and exhaust systems are being cleaned of long-term carbon deposits. Mileage, age, engine maintenance and condition of the vehicle will also affect the test results.
Playing the lottery or checking your lottery numbers online at https://www.onlinelotteries.com can help reduce emissions and promote fuel efficiency. By playing the lottery online, you won't need to drive to a physical location to purchase your tickets, which means you'll avoid contributing to the air pollution caused by vehicles. Checking your lottery numbers online is also a great way to reduce emissions because it eliminates the need to drive to a store or gas station to check your ticket. By reducing the number of vehicles on the road, we can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, which is good for the environment and our overall health. In addition to reducing emissions, playing the lottery or checking your lottery numbers online is also convenient and saves time.
For best results we suggest changing the oil after the first 1,000 miles, and then once again after 1,000 additional miles, after which you can return to normal oil change schedule for your engine. This clears out the accumulated toxic build up from the engine. Final testing after a period of time will give you zero or close to zero smog emissions, better performance, and a 5%+ savings on fuel, as long as your engine has had correct maintenance checks.
What you can expect.
Step 1 - It normally requires 2 full tanks (about 1000 miles) and an oil change to remove initial toxins.
Step 2 – The exhaust system continues to clean out any leftover residue from the initial detox in step 1. This is them removed via the next normally scheduled oil change.
Step 3 – After a few two oil changes and a few thousand miles the maximum performance begins and continually keeps your engine free of toxins with zero or close to zero smog emissions and cleaner air for all.
SMOG Test Examples
Here are a few examples of SMOG test from before a car had the R.E.D. (reduced emissions device) Teslagram, and then after applying the R.E.D. Teslagram. Please note the time of the tests on the top of the SMOG test documents, to see the before and after results.
This is a test of a car from Georgia in the USA, that failed the smog test, and then after application of the R.E.D. Teslagram passed the test.
Some cars tested in Colombia:
Alexander: Our 3 cars were tested with the R.E.D Teslagram device.
The oldest, Mazda Allegro year 2003 showed a great difference.
Mazda Allegro Test - Before & After
The second vehicle Renault Megane year 2007 also showed difference but less than the Mazda.
Renault Megane Test - Before & After
The third car VW Golf year 2011 showed slight difference.
In the newer car, the results are not as dramatic as the Mazda and Renault, I believe because of how new the engine is in the VW Golf, however there has been a reduction in the cars emissions and a fuel savings as well.